The Council said a good appreciation of that would make the citizenry rise above parochial interest
The National Council of Zongo Chiefs, (NCZC) the mouthpiece of all the Zongo Communities in Ghana, says Ghanaians ought to be proud and appreciate the level of religious tolerance in the country.
The Council said a good appreciation of that would make the citizenry rise above all parochial interests likely to create disaffection and disunity among the religions.
In a release issued on Friday, in Accra, on the Wesley Girls fasting saga, it said unity and peaceful co-existence was very important for every nation, and that the Almighty Allah created people in different sects and religions for a purpose.
It quoted Quran chapter 5 verse 48 saying, “And if Allah was pleased, He would have made you a single people, but that He might try you in what He gave you. So vie with one another in virtuous deeds.”
The release said Quran chapter 49 verse 13, also said, “O people, we created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should get to know one another. In God’s eyes, the most honoured of you are the ones most mindful of Him: God is All Knowing, All Aware.”
The release said with the above Quranic verses, Allah made it so, so that mankind may unite and know each other as one people.
It said the Council associated itself with the statement issued by the Ghana Education Service that, every student should be allowed to practice his or her religion or faith, with the School not liable for any consequences.
It said the Council noted with concerns the increasing tension on the issue of the School Authorities and statements issued by the PTA not to allow Muslim students in the school to observe the fast, one of the five basic principles of Islam.
“It is very regrettable and disheartening that we as a nation, under the tenants of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, will allow this issue to rage on for more than two weeks without any clear way.”
The release said the stand by the school authorities on protecting the children because they were in their care when they were in school was a good call but Islam had made provision for those who are exempted from fasting based on ill health, the aged among others.
“If only Muslims attend Islamic schools and Christians attend their schools, how can we understand, cooperate and coexist together. Let us treat each other with respect, love, care, and understanding.”