Here is how much gold, cocoa are selling to open the 20th trade week in 2021


Business News of Monday, 10 May 2021



Crude Oil started the 20th trade week on a positive noteCrude Oil started the 20th trade week on a positive note

On the commodities market, as of today, May 10, 2021, the price of crude oil started the 20th trade week of the 2021 fiscal year at sixty-five dollars, thirty-nine cents ($65.39) as compared to last Friday’s trading at sixty-four dollars, sixty cents ($64.60).

Gold is trading at one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine dollars, zero point three cents ($1,839.03) as compared to last Friday’s trading of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three dollars and ninety-three cents ($1,833.93).

Cocoa is trading at two thousand four hundred and twenty-two dollars ($2,422.00) as compared to last Friday’s trading of two thousand three hundred and seventy-two cents ($2,372.00).

Meanwhile, Cotton is also trading at eighty-eight dollars, ninety-nine cents ($88.99) as compared to last Friday’s trading of eighty-eight dollars, ninety-four cents ($88.94).

And Coffee is trading at one hundred and fifty-one dollars, ninety-five cents ($151.95) as compared to last Friday’s trading of one hundred and fifty dollars and ninety-five cents ($150.95).


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