A.M.E Zion Church organizes free health screening at Amasaman


Amasaman, May 09, GNA- Residents of Amasaman, a community in Ga West Municipality, have benefited from free health-screening exercise organized by Bishop Brown Society of A.

M.E Zion Church at Vanguard Estate.
The programme was in partnership with Ga West Divisional Police Command, Ghana Private Road Transport Union, (GPRTU) and Save Your Liver Foundation, a Non-governmental organization.
Earlier in the day, the organizers under took a three-hour clean-up exercise sweeping lorry stations, some streets, compound of the Police Divisional Headquarters, Ayalolo Bus Station and also desilted some chocked gutters in the community.
They also schooled the citizenry on the need for them to cultivate the habit of regular medical check-ups, for timely intervention and proper health care.
Save Your Liver Foundation, led by Mr. Yaw Mensah, took the participants through general medical examination, including blood pressure, sugar levels, heart, liver and kidney check-ups and those found with diseases were treated while others were referred to hospitals for further medical treatments.
They also counselled the people on the need to lead good healthy life styles to help prolong their lives, distributed hand sanitizers, nose masks provided by the Church and further urged the citizenry to periodically visit the health facility for check-ups.
Among persons who availed themselves for the screening were, drivers, police personnel, church members and commuters who were at the Ayalolo Bus station.
The Reverend Bernard Walker, pastor in change of the Church in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, (GNA), stated that the exercise climaxed a three-day revival on the theme “Experience God’s Anointing and Healing” (Acts 10:38).
It was in honour of Mr. Silvester Ogebe, a Nigerian who has lived in the country and has worship with them for the past 15 years and has expressed the wish to go back to Nigeria.
Medical check-ups and cleaning the environment, Rev Walker noted, were essential in the lives of every living being, and as a church aside its core service of preaching the gospel to win more souls into the vineyard, they also embark on such exercises as a social responsibility to the society.
“Godliness is Cleanliness and as children of the Omnipotent God, let us stop endangering the environment, cultivate good eating habit to help us live longer, and to be able to contribute towards nation building,” he added.
Detective Police Inspector Alexander Banson, of Ga West Divisional Police Command, stated that the police partnering the church to embark on the programme was to demonstrate to the public that they were part and parcel of the society.
He explained that they were not only to maintain law and order, or enforce laws, but to protect lives and properties to foster a conducive environment for all to live in peace.
He bemoaned discriminate littering of the environment with the reason that ZoomLion Company was mandated to clean the environment.
Inspector Banson reminded the public of the Sanitation Act, which empowered the law enforcement agencies to apprehend persons who flouted the Act and cautioned people who deliberately destroy the environment to refrain from such acts to help avoid outbreaks of communicable diseases.


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