State confirms reopening slain toddler’s case in light of new evidence


By Chevon Booysen Time of article published12h ago

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Cape Town – The State has confirmed it anticipates to reopen its case in light of defence witness Locrisia Goliath’s “very important, crucial evidence” when she testified that Davidene Lucas was last seen with her slain toddler, Orderick Lucas, the night he went missing.

This as the defence’s cross-examination continued in the Western Cape High Court yesterday, in the murder trial against Melvin Volkwyn.

State prosecutor Mornay Julius said they anticipate reopening their case as the new evidence which Goliath had given became the “crux of the case”.

Goliath was also challenged, during cross-examination by Julius, about how her evidence differed from her initial testimony and maintained the defence witness was “lying” and making up evidence as she went along.

Goliath denied this, maintaining she had seen Lucas the evening of her son’s disappearance.

According to Goliath, Lucas had been seen at a tuckshop on a Monday evening, March 23, 2019, with Orderick fastened to her back with a blanket.

It was Goliath’s version that she decided to testify in the matter as she would not be able to live with her conscience if she “didn’t say what I know and what I saw”.

Julius said: “Your evidence is probably the most important evidence in this case. That Davidene came to the spaza shop in your yard to buy a kimbie (nappy) for Orderick but you already confirmed that you never gave a statement to police or anybody about this fact… if you had not come to testify in court, nobody would know about that night that Lucas was last seen with Orderick ,” said Julius.

According to Goliath, she had not told anyone else about the night she saw Lucas at the tuckshop and despite making attempts to report it, she was unsuccessful.

“I went to the police station looking for the investigating officer working on this case and was told he does not work there…I did not tell anybody why I was looking for the investigating officer.

“If you talk with Kleinvlei (police), I’m not generalising because it’s not everybody, but there is a huge possibility that your life is at risk. One cannot trust the police. You don’t know who to take into your confidence at that police station,” said Goliath.

Cape Times

Credit IOL


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