DKB Joins The #FixTheCountry And #FixYourself Hashtags With A Funny But Realistic Video » ™


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For the past few days, the #fixthecountry and #fixyourself hashtags has been on social media, calling out our leaders to do the right thing.

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Ghanaians have took over social media with the hash tag #fixthecountry as they demand proper governance and development which will bring an enabling environment for the youth to live life.

However somewhere in there, some government officials and persons responded to the hashtag with theirs, #fixyourself.

This has really pissed off citizens as they react to it in different ways. Comedian DKB has also reacted to this with a comic and savage video.

Just as the hashtag says, #fixyourself, DKB in the video fixed himself in regards with looks and unleashed his bulléts, saying he has fixed himself but does that mean fuel prices and other expensive services will be reduced or get better. He tried to send a message with his comic character.

Video below;




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