24 Zongo communities to participate in this year’s Sheikh Sharubutu Ramadan Cup


The increase in participating Zongo communities is a result of growing interest in the competitionThe increase in participating Zongo communities is a result of growing interest in the competition

The annual Sheikh Sharubutu Ramadan Cup has been increased from 16 Zongo communities to 24, organisers of the annual competition have disclosed.

At a media launch of the 6th edition in Accra on Tuesday, organisers of the tournament, led by Tournament Coordinator, Tamimu Issah, said the increase in participating Zongo communities is a result of growing interest in the competition by Zongo communities.

He also revealed that this year’s tournament will be played for two days, on Saturday, May 15 and Sunday, May 16 at the newly constructed Sheikh Sharubutu Sports Complex at New Fadama, Accra.

The 24 Zongo communities are Ashaiman, Alajo, Darkuman, Fadama, Accra, New Town, Nima, Nungua Zongo, Madina, Mamobi, Nsawam Zongo, Sabon Zongo, Shukura, Tunga, Tudu and Kasoa Zongo. The rest are; Koforidua Zongo, Oda Zongo, Suhum Zongo, Tema Zongo, Anyaa Zongo, Hohoe Zongo, Cowlane and Abeka Zongo.

The teams have been paired against each other for the preliminary round of the competition, which will be played, for the first time, in two days at the newly constructed AstroTurf at New Fadama.

Launching the tournament in Accra, Minister for Youth and Sports, Mustapha Ussif, urged participating communities and the youth to embrace the peaceful value of the National Chief Imam and make the tournament a success.

He noted that government appreciates the importance of community sports, which he said helps bring people together, hence the government’s commitment to building community sports infrastructure.

The Minister of Sports commended organisers of the Sheikh Sharubutu Ramadan Cup for initiating and sustaining such a competition.

The Chief Executive Officer of the National Sports Authority, Prof. Peter Twumasi, who was also present for the launch, urged organisers of the Sheikh Sharubutu Ramadan Cup to make the competition nationwide.

Other dignitaries present were Director of Protocol at the Office of the National Chief Imam, Alhaji Abdul Latif, who represented the Chief Imam, Deputy Cheif Executive Officer of the NSA Majid Bawa, Coach Ibrahim Tanko and Ahmed Abdulai Abu of the Office of the Vice President.

A draw was conducted for the competition and Cowlane versus Sabpn Zongo was drawn as the opening match of the competition on Saturday, May 15, 2021.

This year’s event is being supported by Adonko Next Level Energy Drink, Nasco Electronics, Perla Natural Mineral Water, Ashfoam, and Zara M Properties.


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