“Houses in Ghana cost more than in the US but citizens are paid peanuts” – Ghanaian-American actor, Michael Blackson goes hard on gov’t


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Ghanaian-American actor, Michael Blackson is not quite happy with the current situation in Ghana and across many African countries.

He believes life in Ghana is way too hard and unbearable for the average citizens but their salaries and incomes are nothing to write home about.

In the wake of a social media campaign dubbed ‘Fix The Country” where Ghanaians are venting their frustration over the poor system, Michael Blackson has joined the bandwagon and calling for change.

In a series of tweets, the comedian intimated that the government in Ghana and across many African countries need to make the life of their citizens bearable but creating systems that cater for their needs.

Michale Blackson and Stonebwoy

Using the housing sector as a case study, Michael Blackson said it beats his mind that houses in Ghana cost more than houses in the US while citizens of the US are quite financially stable than citizens in Ghana.

Houses in Ghana costs more than Atlanta but the average income is less than what a crackhead gets on the street.”

Michale Blackson also spoke about the haphazard nature of the African system and while it was created to suffocate its inhabitants. He called for drastic reforms with the hashtag #FixAfrica

I’m so confused with what’s going on in west Africa, if the average income is $100-$200 a month why aren’t there affordable homes with mortgages ranging from $25-$50 a month?

If the average income is less than $200 a month don’t try to charge me $200 to drive me around for the day because you think I have money. #FixAfrica

The richest people in Africa are the government officials but in America I know beeches on only fans that makes way more than Joe Biden

As much as I hate taxes I think our continent needs a tax system so that money can help the less fortunate #FixAfrica

To be a leader of any country you have to be selfless, you have to care about the women and kids on the streets begging for money as if they are your family. #FixAfrica

Too many things are wrong in my continent and we all need to come together and fix this. #FixAfrica

What we need most is Education, HealthCare, Jobs and affordable housing for the less fortunate. #FixAfrica

Africa has no middle class, you either rich or broke as sheet. #WeNeedToFixOurSystem. #FixAfrica

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