Civil Aviation Authority to probe Durban helicopter crash


By Jolene Marriah-Maharaj Time of article published16m ago

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Durban – The Civil Aviation Authority said an investigation into the cause of the helicopter crash that claimed two lives in Durban has begun.

Department spokesperson Kabelo Ledwaba said the Accident and Incident Investigations Division had been notified of the accident and were on scene.

“The accident resulted in two fatalities when the helicopter crashed into the Umgeni River in KwaZulu-Natal Province.”

Apart from naming the helicopter, a Robinson R22 helicopter, Ledwaba said at this stage there are no further details available.

He added a preliminary report would be issued within 30 days from the day of this accident.

“The completion of the investigation will be marked by the release of a final accident report, which may contain safety recommendations aimed at improving the levels of aviation safety and the prevention of a similar accident,” said Ledwaba.


Credit IOL


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