‘This baptism is FAKE!!’ – Born-again Christians reject Nana Agradaa’s baptism in a swimming pool » ™


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Ever since Nana Agrdaa came out to denounce the profane world, many Ghanaians especially the critical thinking ones have questioned the authenticity of Agrdaa’s new path.

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But to prove to the doubting Thomass that her repentance is genuine, Nana Agraaa launched a new name – Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng.

Besides, all her shrines at Sowutuom were set ablaze on Thursday, April 29, 2021. And today, she availed herself to be baptized by her Christian godfather, Pastor Joseph Kwadwo Kyereh of the Trusted Word Ministries.

Fast forward after her baptism, born-again Christians on social media say they smell something fishy about Agradaa’s baptism considering the fact that it took place in a swimming pool.

Citing a portion of the Bible to buttress their point, living water is a requirement for baptism, therefore, baptism can only take place in rivers.

As there are instances in the Bible where we see baptism done in flowing or living rivers e.g. Matthew 3:6 ‘…they were baptized by him in River Jordan.’

So, as long as Nana Agrdaa now Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng was baptized in a swimming pool, chances are higher that the woman has not really come into contact with Christ.

Others also hold the view that as it’s all lies and if she claims to be a repented soul, Nana Agraaa should follow the path of Zacchaeus in the Bible and pay back all the money she stole from gullible Ghanaians via her “Sika Gari” money ritual.


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