Meet Ato Kwamena Aikins, the popular voice behind most radio adverts in Ghana


Entertainment of Thursday, 29 April 2021



Host of Talkertainment Elsie Lamar with her guest, Ato Kwamena Aikinsplay videoHost of Talkertainment Elsie Lamar with her guest, Ato Kwamena Aikins

12 years in the game and still solid!

You probably must have heard his soothing, deep voice on radio and TV but cannot match his face with it.

Ato Kwamena Aikins who’s voice stands tall among most radio commercials in the country extensively takes us through the pros and cons of his profession.

Taking his turn on GhanaWeb’s Talkertainment, he established how succeeding within the ‘voice over’ profession isn’t about being able to speak clearly into a microphone or just by being a radio or TV presenter.

The ‘ever bubbly’ Ato in a conversation with Elsie Lamar, highlighted series of challenging encounters since he started his career in 2009.

Watch Ato’s exclusive interview on Talkertainment below:


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