It is unacceptable – Dr. Chambas laments attacks on EC Chairs Jean Mensa, Charlotte Osei


Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas is the immediate past Head of UNOWASDr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas is the immediate past Head of UNOWAS

It is “regrettable’ that Charlotte Kesson-Smith Osei and Jean Mensa, former and current Chairpersons of the Electoral Commission, have found themselves in a position where their competences have been questioned, laments Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas.

According to the immediate-past Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), both women, whose personal capacities, trainings, and experiences got them to the high office, “were victims of a process…a process of polarization…a process of appointment of an important role such as an Electoral Commissioner.”

He added that, “I feel that it is unfortunate that two highly qualified females have been caught in a situation even where their individual competence and other issues have come into play. I just feel that it’s very unfortunate that these two ladies have been caught in this web of politicking,” he said.

Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas therefore stated that Ghana actually needs more women like Jean Mensa and Charlotte Osei in places and offices of power so as to be models for people.

As a Ghanaian and someone who knows “both highly qualified Ghanaian females,” he added that the unprintable words that have been used on these women should be condemned as they are clearly “unacceptable.”

He has, therefore, charged the Electoral Commission (EC) to employ a more consultative approach in its dealing with the various political parties as well as the management of the electoral process so as to avert future instances like that.

“If they (EC) can forward planning as it has done now taking into account recommendations of all the other observers such as the EU, ECOWAS and AU observers. We must combine what the international observers saw and then what the domestic observers also recommended going forwarded” he said, reports

In the meantime, the statesman is urging the electoral body to consider all the useful recommendations put forward by the various local and international observer missions that participated in the 2020 elections and work with them.


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