Ghana needs divine intervention, not politics


Lawrence Tetteh speaks at a press conference in AccraLawrence Tetteh speaks at a press conference in Accra

Reverend Dr Lawrence Tetteh, President of Worldwide Miracle Outreach (WMO) and the Lawrence Tetteh Ministries (LTM), has called on Ghanaians to rely solely on God’s intervention through fervent prayer to deliver the nation from its crisis.

“Our nation will not be saved by politics or economic structures. It will only be saved through the divine intervention of God. We need the intervention of God like never before.

“We must rise and pray for God to restore our nation to its full glory. There is no gain saying that our politics, our economy, and our educational systems, our professional and religious institutions are in crisis.”

“This is the reason why we must pray in these crucial times. I, therefore, invite people from all walks of life to join hands with us as we seek the face of God in prayer, for divine intervention. A prayerless nation is a powerless nation. Restoration and true hope can only come from God,” he said.

Rev Tetteh made these remarks on Wednesday during a press briefing in Accra concerning his upcoming 31-Day Prayer Rally dubbed: “This Nonsense Must Stop.”

The event will take place from Saturday, May 1, 2021 to Monday, May 31, 2021, at the Fountain of Life Auditorium, Christian Village, Accra, at 0600 hours each day.

He explained that the starting time had been carefully chosen to enable workers to pass through and pray, before embarking on their working day.

Rev Tetteh said the programme was a non-denominational Prayer Fest aimed at bringing together religious leaders and worshippers, to pray and to address every evil agenda formed against the nation Ghana, to undermine the economic and socio-political agenda of the country.

“Our nation today is beset with challenges of every kind and vices which seek to undermine its development and to derail our economic progress which is why I say, ‘This Nonsense Must Stop!’”

“One may wonder the basis of this theme. Simply put, nonsense means an absurd situation or circumstance. Suffice it to say that there are several absurd situations we are grappling with today as a people,” he said.

He said the CoVID-19 Pandemic was one such situation that had created fear and panic and revealed the vulnerability of mankind.

Rev Tetteh said the pandemic had further stopped the advancement and fellowship of the Church and reduced the possibilities of Christians gathering to pray and worship.

“It has permeated our body politics, our educational structures, our health sector, and all the socio-economic structures of our nation. Our families are under threat, our values and ethics as Ghanaians are being eroded, our marriages are challenged, our scientists and medics are confounded, our youth are being led astray by alien and foreign infiltrations and influences, our professional bodies are not operating at their full capacity and everywhere is full of uncertainty,” he said.

Rev Tetteh said the nation was experiencing a lack of morality and citizens had lost their core values of decency, hard work and honesty.

The Man of God said the standard of behaviour had deteriorated to the extent that some people ridiculed Christ and the Gospel through advertisements and blasphemy of the Christian community was the order of the day.

”Ghanaians today do not fear God. The love of money supersedes all good thinking. Today, corruption is the new barometer.

“In the midst of all of this nonsense, our religious leadership is silent, our faith is diminished, and the country is being led astray by lack of godliness and the fear of God. Ghanaians must rise and pray and Christians must go back to evangelism and soul-winning for Christ.”

“I call on all well-meaning Ghanaians to return to the fear of God and to godliness for we are all responsible and equally guilty for the state of lawlessness and lack of godliness in our country. We must be imitators of Christ and this must show in all aspects of our lives. We must return to being law-abiding, to doing the right thing at all times, maintaining our integrity, and not to take advantage of the system.”

“We, therefore, stand upon the word of God in 2 Chronicles 7:14 which states that, ‘If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land,’” he said.


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