Not only parents but young ladies to be blamed for deviant behaviours


Veronica Alele, Bole, DCEVeronica Alele, Bole, DCE

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Bole Madam Veronica Alele Heming has said that most deviant behaviours of young ones especially ladies are put on parents but indicated that some of the young ladies should be blamed for behaviours that are abhorrent to society.

The Bole DCE said, the way some young ladies behave these days is very strange and everybody always wants to put blame on their parents. She said young ladies must sometimes put the blame on themselves because not everything is caused by parents.

“I can see that the blame is on parents but let’s also blame ourselves. ..these days the way we behave is not the normal behaviour of young ladies”; she said;

The DCE lamented how some of the young ladies give young men the chance to misbehave towards them. She bemoaned the situation in which young ones do not respect their mothers and fathers these days.

She however cautioned young men to be careful the way they handle young ladies. “Let me say if I wear a tight dress it doesn’t give you the man the chance to hit at me because that is the way I want to dress even if it is not proper to you”.

Madam Veronica Alele encouraged young ladies not to suffer in silence but open up on issues affecting them. “Please do not suffer in silence…if you see that any bad thing is happening to you speak up”; she said.

The DCE for Bole Madam Veronica Alele Heming made these comments in her closing remarks of a siting of the Bole Youth Parliament organised by the Bole District Secretariat of the National Youth Authority in collaboration with the Executives of the Bole District Youth Parliament. The sitting of the Bole Youth Parliament took place at the conference hall of the Mum and Dad Guesthouse at the weekend on the theme; “Gender Base Violence in the Bole District”.

The DCE said she was very excited to see young people speaking eloquently like they are in the nations Parliament Chamber. “The way you people have conducted yourself, I can see a lot of Parliamentarians amongst us here…I can see majority leaders, majority leaders and I can see how the ladies are confident”; Madam Alele said.

She thanked the organisers of the programme and urged the youth Parliamentarians to learn hard to one day represent the Constituency in parliament as Parliamentarians.

The DCE told the organisers of the programme to meet her in the office for her to secure some airtime on the radio for the brilliant youth to educate the people more on gender violence.

Madam Alele said she planned having a radio programme to enlightened her people on gender issues and has decided to start that after the fasting.

The Bole youth at their Parliament sitting simulated the National Chamber with their Speaker, Majority leader, the Minority leader and so on debating both for and against the motion “causes of gender violence and the way forward on the female adolescent”.

They further discussed the role of Youth Parliamentarians to mitigate or eradicate gender violence in the Bole District of Savannah Region.

Speaking to Bole based Nkilgi Fm after the youth Parliament sitting, Mr Mumuni Sulemana who is the National Director in charge of programmes at the National Youth Authority headquarters in Accra said the platform is created for the youth to discuss domestic violence in the Bole District.

He said he is very happy the young people have been able to discuss issues of importance to them and proffered solutions.

Mr. Mumuni Sulemana added that all the participants are young people and from the Bole District and have debated on the issues and have also come out with some solutions on how to end the issue of gender violence.

The Youth Parliament sitting was attended by all heads of departments in the Bole District.


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