Nominations sought to fill positions on SA Weather Service, SANParks boards


By Shakirah Thebus Time of article published22m ago

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Cape Town – The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, has extended the call for nominations for candidates to serve on the boards of the SA Weather Service, SA National Parks (SANParks) and SA National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI).

The extension to May 10, 2021, comes as a result of the conclusion of the three-year board term of the current boards, and is in terms of the SA Weather Service Act; the National Environment Management: Protected Areas Act and the National Environment Management Biodiversity Act, respectively.

Creecy said: “Persons to be appointed on the boards will have a duty to ensure that the entities serve the interests of all South Africans, and contribute to the realisation of the constitutional right to an environment that is not harmful to their health and well-being.”

The boards will be responsible for steering the entities to compliance with prevailing corporate governance standards, while exercising oversight of the organisations and decision-making.

Nominees for each must possess expertise in strategic management and leadership, community development, financial management, audit and risk, corporate governance, water resource management, air-quality management, protected areas management, among others.

Shortlisted candidates will be vetted, and verification of qualifications will take place with the South African Qualifications Authority and Cabinet consultations.

Department spokesperson Albi Modise said, “The extension was granted and gazetted following the challenges experienced in accessing information about the nomination process on the website. So this was to allow a fair chance to all that would like to be nominated.”

The SANParks and SANBI board terms end on September 31, 2021 and the weather bureau board term ends on December 31, 2021.

Details regarding documents required in the submission of the nomination are contained in government Gazettes 44490, 44491 and 44492.

Cape Argus

Credit IOL


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