’True freedom can only be realised when all voices are heard and acknowledged’


By Baldwin Ndaba Time of article published7m ago

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South Africans celebrate Freedom Day on April 27 every year to mark the country’s first democratic elections in 1994.

But ’true freedom in South Africa can only be realised when all voices are heard and acknowledged”, says Aneez Salie, Independent Media’s Editor-in-Chief.

That is why this year Independent Media’s Freedom Day campaign, #UnmuteFreedom, is a strong reminder that while the country has come far, it still has a long way to go until there is complete inclusion and therefore real freedom.

“We are not there yet, as the conversation is still, to a large extent, very one-sided, which is why Independent Media has committed to standing up to prevent the chasm of silence from growing any bigger than it already is,” Salie said.

Plenty of South Africans are still unable to access services such as education, health care, housing, water, clean air and even financial support, and the most basic of banking facilities as enshrined in the Constitution. We are providing a platform to air share your thoughts and air your grievances, and know that we are listening.

“We will never allow South African voices to be silenced again,” stated Dr Iqbal Survé, Independent Media’s executive chairman.

“This year’s Freedom Day is particularly poignant with our country facing increased challenges given the ongoing onslaught of Covid-19, which has radically shifted the goals in terms of what freedoms we have always taken for granted.

“This period of change has also highlighted just how big the divide is between matters such as decent education, an affordable one and a free one, where those without access to the modern tools that make the digital world spin, are being left behind, going further in underlining the differences that still divide us and prevent an economically prosperous egalitarian society from being fulfilled,” Dr Survé observed.

“Freedom does not require for there to be a free for all access to the country’s coffers, but future freedom does necessitate that South Africa’s peoples are given the welcome, means and ability to participate, which they are at present, denied.

“Sadly, over the past 27 years, we have learnt that we cannot take any form of freedom at face value, which is why our #UnmuteFreedom campaign encourages all South Africans to speak up and speak out so that those who have the means to make the changes that are still required for complete independence to hear us – loud and clear,” he said.

Credit IOL


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