Tithe-taking Pastors are thieves because it’s biblically inapplicable


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Leader of the Common Sense Family (CSF), Avraham Ben Moshe, has vented his anger on tithes-taking pastors, describing them as thieves.

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According to Avram, the study of the tithe guidelines reveals that it has no application whatsoever to Christians and is violated by any pastor who takes it from church members.

Speaking on the ‘Best Entertainment Show’ on Okay FM Monday morning, Avram said tithing is biblically inapplicable.

“Every pastor who collects tithe is a thief. Their numerous schools and hospitals are not free. Churches and pastors haven’t contributed anything to the development of Ghana. Telling a woman I love you is no sin, giving a woman money is not a sin but with the mindset of giving her money in return of sexual intercourse is a sin. If the churches had not built the hospitals and schools, you mean our leaders won’t have the sense to build some for us? Should it be someone who will come and build it for us?,” hesaid.

“The black man can’t survive without the white man’s God, without the white man’s intervention and any other thing. Is that what we are saying? We have our religion too and we don’t necessarily have to be dependent on the white man’s belief and things. Kwame Nkrumah told us that, the black man is capable of managing its own affair so why the interference of foreign cultures and things,” he added.

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