Persons responsible for election-related deaths will not go unpunished – Police


General News of Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Source: Kasapa FM


According to the police, persons responsible for some deaths during the elections will be dealt withAccording to the police, persons responsible for some deaths during the elections will be dealt with

The Ghana Police Service has committed to ensuring that persons behind the deaths that occurred during the 2020 general elections are dealt with according to the law.

Five persons lost their lives during chaotic incidents that marred the elections in some parts of the country, a development that election observers say has tarnished Ghana’s image as a beacon of democracy in Africa.

Speaking at a stakeholders event to review election 2020 in Accra, the Ghana Police Service gave an update on their investigations into the violence that marred the Techiman South Constituency election vowing to ensure that persons found culpable are prosecuted.

“I can assure you that not only have some of the guns been retained for forensics analysis, spent shells have also been collected and they are all part of the investigation process which is ongoing. I want to assure you that we are committed to getting to the bottom of the investigations. But as the adage goes, the wheels of justice grind slowly. We have no influence over the court. We have to bring our evidence before the court for the determination of the outcome of the case. But I can assure you that whatever is expected of us has been done professionally,” Supt. Ayi Mensah of the Police Transformation Department stated at the forum.


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