Nana Agradaa Becomes A Converted Christian, As Stated At Her Press Conference » ™


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Nana Agradaa, a well-known Fetish priestess, made a stunning revelation at her press conference today.

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The fetish priestess was arrested a week ago for illegally operating two television stations, which she uses to defraud people with her “Sika Gari” ritual.

Nana Agradaa revealed today at her press conference that she had taken a new leave and had become a Christian convert.

She said that she had been adamant about believing prophecies that she would become a woman of God, but that a few weeks before her arrest, she eventually decided to listen to the call after the last prophecy from Prophet Amoako Atta.

She has now confirmed that she is a born again Christian who has repented of her previous lifestyle.

video below;




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