Afia Schwar blasts drunk Police officer who arrested her motor rider after he refused to pay 20gh bribe over road worthy (+Video) » ™


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Afia Schwarzenegger has gone berserk and blasted a drunk Police officer who arrested her motor rider after he refused to pay 20gh bribe over roadworthy.

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Afia Schwar in a new video complained about the treatment they gave to the young man she helped acquire a motorbike.

According to Afia, a drunk police officer tried extorting money from the motor rider and when he could not pay, they took him to the police station and seized the motor which he uses to work to support himself financially.

Afia Schwar narrated that she helped a young orphan in their church acquire the motorcycle after he had come to her to beg for help to acquire a new motor to work with.

However, immediately after purchasing the motor, a drunk police officer appeared and stopped the boy, asking for Ghc 20.

He said the new motor did not have a roadworthy license and thus he should pay or be arrested.

When he could not pay, he was sent to the Kaneshie police station whilst the police officer took the motor for his own use around town.

An infuriated Afia Schwar took to social media to blast the officer in question and Ghana police officers who disgrace the uniform with their foul behaviour.

See the video below;

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