Stephanie Benson Narrates The Journey With Her Husband As He Celebrates His Birthday


Stephanie is married to Jonathan Paul Benson, an English man she met at a very tender age when she moved to stay in England. Today, as her husband is celebrating his birthday, Stephanie has taken to her social media platforms to narrate the journey with her husband.

Once upon a time there was an English Gentleman called Jonathan Paul. Born 26th April, to a Handsome Mechanical Engineer called Jack and A Beautiful Nurse called Diana. Both middle class parents who brought up 2 children, Jacqueline and Jonathan.

The house was ruled with a very calm restrained love, a very English Stiff upper Lip affection but still produced 2 Happy disciplined, middle upper class Adults.

Until one day, Jonathan s life was to change forever. At a young age of 25, he run into an African woman called Akua Ohenewaah , whom he could not get out of his heart. After 4 years of courting in the only way he knew how, a Calm, Very English Stiff Upper Lip patience, he eventually married the love of his life, this African woman, who forever changed his calm, fruitful, successful life into chaos, the kind of chaos he was not ready for …….. (Part 2 Coming soon

Today I celebrate the man before, he became Jon, the long suffering husband of Akua Ohenewaah. MEEEE

Happy Birthday Jonathan.

Jonathan, the English Gentlemen had eventually captured his Princess. What he thought was an innocent African Princess, with big beautiful eyes, a Happy kind smile, a woman of many talents and poise, exactly as a Princess should be, was a loud, opinionated, mischievous, chaotic, vixen, who never allowed me to sleep, talked till 2am in the morning, would take her clothes off on a dare, and didn’t like NO for an answer.

So Today, on my birthday, my second wish is for Akua Ohenewaah for just 1 week, to do whatever I wish, whenever I wish, however I wish.

I’m praying for a fabulous birthday.


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