Family of KZN chief lives in fear after bogus cops kidnap ordeal


By Sne Masuku Time of article published2h ago

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Durban – THE family of KwaNyuswa acting chief Makhosandile Ngcobo is praying for his safe return home after he was kidnapped last week by men disguised as police officers.

His son, Mqondisi Ngcobo, was one of the family members who witnessed the gruesome attack last Monday at their home in Nkulu Ward. He told the Daily News that his father was taken against his will, dressed only in pyjama pants.

“It was about 7.45 in the evening. After we had supper, my brothers and our two security guards went to my room. We then heard a sound of cars parking outside and a gate being forcefully opened. We went outside to investigate.

“We found people dressed in police uniforms. They arrived in a Hyundai H1, and another car which I could not see clearly as it was parked behind the other vehicle.

“Before we could say anything, they pointed firearms at us and ordered us to return to the house. Inside the house were my younger brother and sister, my mother and my aunt. They were shocked to see us entering the house being escorted at gunpoint.

“They asked for my father and they took my younger sister and searched for him in the house and left us tied up in the other room. My father had locked himself in behind the bedroom door.

“After knocking several times, they broke the door open. They returned with him a few minutes later. They cuffed our hands behind our backs using cable ties. I became suspicious that these men could not be police. Why would they cuff us using cable ties if they were really police officers?

“Some of them went to the bedroom and took money from the safe and took the car keys that were in the house and more money from the kist. They also took away all our cellphones.

“They then left the house with my father, saying that they were taking him to the police station. They refused him a chance to change and put on a jacket. They did not assault him in our presence.

“We were terrified. We begged them not to take him away, but they would not listen to our pleas.

“My mother was hysterical. We were all traumatised. We watched helplessly as they walked out the door with him. That was the last time we saw him.

“One of my brothers who was not home at the time of the incident, came home.

“He drove us to the police station to report the case. The police were sent to our home to conduct further investigations.

“We are praying for his safe return. The incident has left us in great fear. We do not know whether he is still alive. His kidnappers have not said anything to us since.

“We do not know why anyone would want to hurt our family like this.”

Mqonisi said the Dog Unit launched a search in the bushes in the area yesterday.

He said last September, his father survived a shooting in Harding. No one was ever arrested in connection with that shooting incident.

Police spokesperson captain Nqobile Gwala said detectives were appealing for information regarding Ngcobo’s whereabouts.

Gwala said a case of kidnapping, and robbery had been opened at Ezinqoleni police station.

“Investigations to find Ngcobo and apprehend his kidnappers who posed as police officers are continuing,” said Gwala.

Daily News

Credit IOL


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