Apple cider vinegar could play role in keeping blood pressure low


By Viwe Ndongeni-Ntlebi Time of article published11m ago

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Scientists have yet to follow the bulk of the health claims about apple cider vinegar, with significant clinical research.

However, some studies show that apple cider vinegar may play a role in keeping your blood pressure low. But it should be used alongside other treatments and lifestyle changes as well. It’s not a “cure-all,” but it may help.

Diabetes may be a chronic condition that results in an inability to manage blood glucose levels properly. Consistent with the planet Health Organization (WHO), in 1980, about 108 million people had diabetes. Its prevalence has significantly increased over the past few decades to about 422 million in 2014.

There are two primary sorts of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. In Type 1, the pancreas doesn’t produce insulin because the body’s system attacks the cells that make it an individual with Type 1 diabetes will have to take additional insulin.

Type 2 occurs when the body’s cells subside sensitive to the glucose-reducing effects of insulin. This suggests that the body absorbs less glucose, which leaves more circulating within the bloodstream.

Diet features a controlling influence on Type 2 diabetes and is an important consideration for people with Type 1.

Lowering blood glucose may help lower blood pressure as well. The prescription medication Metformin, used for lowering glucose in those with diabetes, lowered blood pressure in a 2017 study on Metformin, lowers blood pressure in obese and insulin-resistant individuals without diabetes.

As vinegar also helped lower blood glucose in rats in another study on Vinegar: Medicinal Uses and Antiglycemic Effect, some believe apple cider vinegar might help lower blood pressure in this way. However, more research is needed for a clear connection between the two.

While apple cider vinegar may be a low-risk addition to a diabetes diet, many studies on the vinegar are small, only done on animals, and have reached mixed conclusions concerning its effects on blood glucose levels. Before taking the vinegar, consult your doctor.


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