Tabloid News of Sunday, 25 April 2021
Source: SVTV Africa
According to Vida, Accra is full of mosquitoes and heat
Pepper seller, Vida Senyo has given justifications for her decision to never set foot in Accra again and they are not the ones you may have thought of.
In a chat on Daily Hustle on SVTV Africa, Madam Vida stated that having been to Ghana’s capital years ago, her experience was nothing to write home about.
According to her, Accra is full of mosquitoes, and heat. Having spent most of her life at Aburi in the Eastern region of Ghana, where she presently resides, it is not a surprise.
“I stayed at Kaneshie with someone and I did not like the experience. Accra is full of heat and mosquitoes,” she told host, DJ Nyaami.
Even though Mrs Senyo did not state this as her major reason for leaving the city, it just might be the second.
Kindly watch the full interview below: