UNAIDS organizes coronavirus workshop for facilitators


Some participants at COVID-19 workshop training for facilitatorsSome participants at COVID-19 workshop training for facilitators

A two-day partnership for accelerated action towards the COVID-19 Workshop has been organized by the UNAIDS, the Millennium Promise Alliance (MPA) and Ghana Health Service (GHS) for 180 participants drawn from the Greater-Accra and Ashanti Regions in Accra.

The Workshop was sponsored by the UNAIDS and facilitated by MPA in collaboration with National Association with Persons Living with HIV (Nap+ Ghana), Youth Health Advocates Ghana (YHAG) and Ghana Health Services (GHS).

It is to aid the facilitators to collect data on the effectiveness on the COVID-19 prevention and how people are adhering to the COVID-19 Protocols.

The data will later be collected from the various communities for analysis.

The Millennium Promise Alliance (MPA) and its Partners are to accelerate Covid-19 Testing in Africa, on the theme “Strengthening Community Engagement in the Response to Covid-19 in Ghana”.

The Covid-19 Community Partnership is supposed to last for a period of nine months in Ghana.

During the launch of the Partnership Programme, the Director-General of Ghana Health Service, Dr Patrick K. Aboagye said commended partners and stakeholders like MPA in the fight against the global pandemic.

The Executive Director for the Millennium Promise Alliance, Chief Nat Ebo Nsarko in his address said, the pact sought to help increase testing efforts and reduce Covid-19 transmission in Africa.

He said their focus on Ghana was beyond sensitization for covid-19 testing and would include social and behaviour change interventions to trigger and sustain covid-19 preventive behaviours, counter myths and misconceptions, reduce stigma and address vaccine hesitancy.

The Executive Director said the project represented a unique partnership among NGOs, UN Agencies, the Government and the communities to work together towards reducing infection.

In attendance were; the Country Director UNAIDS Ghana, Madam Angela Treton-Mbonde; President of Nap+ Ghana, Madam Elsie Ayeh; The Executive Director, Hope for Future Generations, Mrs Cecilia Senoo and the Programme Manager, National AIDS Control Programme, Dr Stephen Ayisi Addo.


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