Social media users in shock over new photos of physically-challenged …



Social media users have been left in shock over new photos of physically challenged Nigerian hawker.

Photos of the lady identified as Mary Daniel went viral a few weeks ago as she went about her business to make ends meet.

The photos captured Miss Daniel who has her right leg amputated walk with the support of a wooden crutch as she sold bottled and sachet water.

Mary Daniel

However, the photos have captured a different personality as she marks her birthday on Friday, April 23, 2021.

One of the photos saw her in a red gown and another a black gown, with a crown on her head and neatly styled wig.


Mary Daniel

Basking with euphoria and obviously full of life, she had makeup to compliment her look.

Many social media users who have spotted the photos cannot help but express their admiration and love for her total makeover.

Mary Daniel


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