Skin Renewal can help you beat hyperpigmentation
It’s true, women are more prone to developing hyperpigmentation – those dark marks that can appear on the face, creating an uneven complexion. Thing is, men can be affected by it too. Happily, the treatment for both sexes is much the same and something the doctors at Skin Renewal have collective decades of experience in treating. But first, let’s find out what type of hyperpigmentation you’re dealing with because that’s what’s going to dictate the best course of treatment.
Know your type
The type of hyperpigmentation that most affects men is the kind that’s induced by unprotected sun exposure. When you spend time in the sun without wearing sunscreen, this can trigger your skin’s melanin factories to go into overdrive. This excess pigment then travels up to the surface of the skin where it’s visible as dark marks. Golfers, cyclists, runners – we’re talking to you. Don’t ever forget to wear sunscreen!
Another cause for dark marks in men, particularly those with darker skin, is post-inflammatory pigmentation hence PIH. This is the type that can appear after anything your skin might regard as an “injury”. This doesn’t have to be anything as serious as a burn or cut. Just a pimple or an ingrown hair that gets infected can result in a dark mark that’s often mistaken for a scar. This type of pigmentation sits a little deeper in your skin than the sun-induced kind. Because of how ingrained it can be, it doesn’t always respond to topical treatments. Fortunately, the in-office treatments offered at Skin Renewal can make a dramatic difference.
Lastly, the third type of hyperpigmentation we treat at Skin Renewal is melasma, the kind that’s caused by your hormones. Women are much more likely than men to develop this type of hyperpigmentation as things like pregnancy, hormonal therapy and oral contraception can aggravate it. However, hormonal imbalances between estrogen and testosterone may result in melasma in men. According to various studies, it’s thought that the presence of subtle testicular resistance is a driving factor. Also, certain medication such as finasteride – taken to decrease hair loss – is thought to increase men’s risk for melasma.

The good news
Regardless of what’s causing your pigmentation, the highly-skilled doctors at Skin Renewal will know how to diagnose and treat it. For example, if you’re dealing with sun damage-induced hyperpigmentation, they might suggest one of our very effective Pigmenation & Sun Damage Solutions. Many of them make use of exfoliating treatments like superficial peel and microdermabrasion, lasers such as Laser Genesis are also used. The latter is a “colourblind” laser so it’s suitable for all skin colours, including dark skin.
However, if you’re suffering from melasma, they might recommend one of our Melasma & Deep Pigmentation Solutions. Many of these also include Laser Genesis as well as more intensive peels like our Dermamelan Depigmentation treatment.
Whichever treatment path you pursue, this will be bolstered by a homecare routine that is medical-grade proven skincare to improve the look of hyperpigmentation. Many hyperpigmentation sufferers make the mistake of investing in products they find on the beauty counters that aren’t formulated using the right active ingredients or in the correct concentration required to be truly effective.
Get in touch today
To find out what’s causing your hyperpigmentation – and the best way to treat it – make an appointment to chat with one of the doctors at Skin Renewal. Often, they can tell the difference between the types just by looking at it. But if need be, they can run the blood tests that will give them a clear picture of your hormone profile and help you balance it if need be. So, if you’re wanting to even out your skin tone or get rid of a particular dark mark, get in touch today so we can put you on the path to a clear complexion.
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Credit: IOL