4 deep secrets you should never tell your partner


File photo: A couple

A relationship is based on trust, despite this, everyone has their secrets. Even with your partner, it is normal to have some information outside their knowledge.

You and your partner may be the best of friends, but you will find yourself definitely agreeing on one thing: there are some matters you can never share with your partner.

These things should be kept for you and you alone, no matter how much you want to be transparent to your partner.

We bring to you some common secrets that you should never tell your partner:

  • The best sex you’ve ever had

If your most memorable, knee-trembling and mind-blowing sex hasn’t been with your partner then don’t even think of blurting this out to them. Even if you want your partner to ace their sex game and gain tips from your sexual history, refrain from doing so as it can hurt their sentiments and ego quite a bit.

  • Being in contact with exes

There are chances that you maintain a cordial and good relationship with your exes. That is a great thing that might not sit well with your partner. You may face unnecessary arguments or slithers of jealousy slowly consuming your relationship. Hence, it’s better to keep those texts and calls to yourself.

This is something one can never even dream of telling their partners. We all have different sexual preferences that we are either too insecure or ashamed to tell our partners. Watching pornography is a very private matter that one doesn’t wish to share with anyone. So, it’s better to keep your porn history tab lock.

  • Not liking a physical attribute

Nobody’s perfect. Even your partner has flaws and imperfections that you accept yet don’t really like very much. Whether it’s a crooked chin or a big nose, these are things your partner can’t change. Moreover, if you point it out to them, they will feel immensely insecure about their looks. So, it’s better to keep that dislike within yourself.


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