5 foods that fight wrinkles and premature ageing



A radiant and beautiful skin is dependent on an abundant supply of essential nutrients. When you improve your diet, you can vastly improve the look of your skin.

Let’s face it; no one wants to get age spots, wrinkles, dark spots, circles under their eyes, and that infamous turkey chin before their time.

Well, beautiful skin is as easy as eating delicious foods every day. How much easier can it get? Here are some foods that fight wrinkles and premature ageing:

Avocados are loaded with that good for your skin fat. They also contain glutathione, which is a compound that is known to fight anti-ageing.

Avocados flush toxins from your body and glutathione will help stop wrinkles and acne. It’s been shown to slow or even stop the development of certain types of cancer.

If your sweet tooth starts acting up, try some raw, organic honey than other types of sugar. Raw honey is a natural anti-viral and is rich with antioxidants. Even though it is technically sugar, it’s natural so it doesn’t cause inflammation or red spots the way white sugar can. Honey is so good for your skin, you can even use it as a face wash.

Eating this vegetable may ward off (ultra-violet) UV-induced damage like wrinkles, thanks to lycopene, the pigment that gives them their rich red colour. And cooked tomatoes are good for your skin, too. Studies show that our bodies absorb lycopene more easily from tomato paste than from fresh tomatoes.

Eggs are a rich source of protein and contain nine essential amino acids, along with vitamin D, all of which are perfect for your skin.

If you have heard that eggs raise your blood cholesterol levels, you can forget about that old myth, as it has no basis in fact. Always eat free-range, organic eggs, as these contain the most vitamins and protein that will help improve your skin tone.

Eating nuts as part of a balanced diet can add years to your life by helping prevent chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline. Nuts contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and both compounds have been associated with reduced heart disease and type 2 diabetes risk.

Because all vascular factors have been related to cognition, nuts may have the potential to slow cognitive decline in older adults.


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