E.O. Lamptey Is GCB Bank Deputy MD


Emmanuel Odartey Lamptey

The board of GCB Bank Limited has announced the appointment of Emmanuel Odartey Lamptey as the new Deputy Managing Director (DMD), Operations.

Mr. Lamptey was sworn in as the DMD Operations and Executive Director of the bank on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 by Justice Sophia Bernasko Essah, a Justice of the Court of Appeal, Ghana.

The swearing-in ceremony was witnessed by the chairman, Jude Arthur and other members of the GCB Bank Board.

Mr. Lamptey takes over from Mr Samuel Amankwah, who retired from the bank in 2020 after 20 years of service in executive management and senior management positions.

Mr. Lamptey brings to the role over 20 years’ multinational experience working for listed companies in corporate and retail banking, asset management, securities, brokerage services, pensions, insurance and micro-finance with operations in over 30 African countries.

He started his career with KPMG and has since held other positions including Chief Financial Officer – WAMZ at Ecobank Ghana; Group Head, Finance at Ecobank Transnational Incorporated (Togo), Group Chief Operating Officer, Letshego Holdings Limited (Botswana) and Executive Business Manager to the Group CEO – Alexander Forbes Group Holdings (South Africa). Emmanuel also held several roles with Standard Bank of South Africa Group in South Africa and Ghana.

Mr. Lamptey holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from University of Cape Coast, Ghana, and is a fellow of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, United Kingdom.

“The board takes this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Lamptey on his appointment and expresses appreciation to all stakeholders for their continued support to GCB Bank,” it noted.



















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