Mzansi angered by Tyrese Gibson’s reverse racism post


By Entertainment Reporter Time of article published24m ago

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The streets of social media are angry and are demanding an apology from musician and actor, Tyrese Gibson.

In a now deleted Instagram post, The “Fast & Furious” actor posted a very controversial picture collage that implied that white people are being oppressed by black people and people of colour in South Africa.

The first picture showed a few white men cuffed in chains by necks, while a Black man sits in the middle with a gun. In the next frame a white lady sits on the couch taking care of a baby, while a black woman dressed up in front of a mirror. 

The third frame shows Asian women getting their feet pedicured by white women and the last picture frame showed a white little girl at a toy shop looking at a shelf of Black Barbie dolls. 

Gibson, who is known for his controversial statements, captioned this picture: “The flip… Get to YouTube this is what’s going on in South Africa….”.

Social media users were furious at the picture and called Gibson out for spreading “fake news”. 

Bonang Matheba even jumped in and tweeted: “….please, don’t come talk shit here about South Africa. Jou swine!”

They then screen grabbed the Instagram post and shared it on Twitter, where he was dragged even more.

Here’s what tweeps had to say: