How important should s3x be when picking Mr. Right?


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When placed on a scale, how weighty should this consideration be on your mind?

Should sex be a topmost priority when picking Mr. Right? [Credit Madamenoire]
Should sex be a topmost priority when picking Mr. Right? [Credit Madamenoire]

When one is out looking for a partner, particularly with an eye for potential life-long relationships, there are quite a number of factors to consider.

Questions on alignment of values are to be necessarily asked, as are inquiries into whether your spirituality matches. The latter is particularly relevant in this part of the world where religious orientation, belief and values mean much to people.When placed on a scale, how weighty should good sex be when getting a partner [Credit: iStock]When placed on a scale, how weighty should good sex be when getting a partner [Credit: iStock]

There is also the question of depth of pockets and how financially strong and stable the potential partner is. How will the finances of the relationship be handled and to what extent do these things matter?

When placed on a preference scale, which weighs more? And more importantly how weighty should each be compared to the others?

Almost invariably, sex and the consideration of whether a partner is capable of doing it right plays on the mind, too.

Orgasms, foreplay, sexual health, sexual gratification, sexual lifestyle, positioning… all these sex-related stuff really does matter and should be considered well as it could have a bearing on the balance of the relationship.

So, how really important should sex be when picking a life partner?

Shamika SandersKeyaira Kelly and Africa Miranda of “Ask A Black Woman”speak about this subject, backed up with facts and public opinion in the video below.

You should absolutely, absolutely check it out:


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