5 ways Ghanaians can mistakenly catch coronavirus


Fadama coronavirus
Coronavirus: Fadama

The new coronavirus is perhaps here to stay with us in the world, at least up until scientists find a cure or vaccine for the disease.

The infectious disease has now infected over 3.1 million people in the world and killed 228,000 so far since the first confirmed cases in Wuhan, China in November 2019.

In Ghana, the health service update indicates that 1,671 persons are confirmed to have contracted the disease with 16 deaths confirmed.

The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air and quickly fall on floors or surfaces.

You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose, or mouth.

With the above background given, we wants to explore 5 ways Ghanaians can mistakenly or unintentionally catch the COVID-19.

1. Use of public transport The use or patronage of public transportation is an easy way for an individual to contract the virus without knowing or mistakenly.

It becomes even more dangerous if one goes about their daily business using public transport without a face mask. Also, the social distancing protocol is not observed on our public transport.

2. Through your delivery man One can easily catch the COVID-19 without knowing when for example your infected delivery man delivers a package that may have been infected or come in contact with an infected person before reaching you.

3. Buying from an infected person Imagine going to buy or shopping in a grocery store and the owner of the place has the virus, he or she can easily pass on the virus to you mistakenly or unintentionally.

4. Handling cash/money If you do not obey the WHO’s protocols of washing your hands frequently with soap under running water and using the hand sanitizer, then you risk catching the virus unknowingly by handling that money which has been circulating.

5. Going to the barbershop or hairdressing saloon.


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