These 3 traits will increase your chances of finding love


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Instead of asking “God when?” all the time, maybe focus more on living your best life like there’s no tomorrow.

When people are single and searching, it is not uncommon for them to ask questions such as, ‘what do I need to do right to meet that special person who will become the love of my life?’

Other frequently-asked questions for people like this are: ‘what am I getting wrong?’ ‘what do I need to do better?’ and ‘what do I need to get right?’

If you are single and need to know which habits will make it easier to get the type of man or woman you desire, here are some of them below.

Mind you, these are not conclusive rules but they are valid and important for anyone who really has one or more of the questions above and truly increases your chance to meet that lover you’ve always wanted.

1. Self love 

Finding love starts with loving yourself because, really, if you do not love yourself, who will?

It will be difficult to show people how to love you. It will be difficult, as well to give people what you do not have.

If you love yourself, you do not only become more independent and in charge of your life, you also become easier to love and will find it less difficult to find love.

2. More social 

Social skills are really, really important if you are going to meet people and build any form of relationship with them.

Smile more, go out more, get on social media and use the platforms wisely, learn to communicate your thoughts more effectively, and basically just develop in the art of creating good impressions on people.

3. People are more than their looks 

Learn to pay more attention to the character than a person’s appearance.

This is something of a dilemma in the sense that appearance counts when meeting someone for the first time because it is on the appearance that most first impressions are built.

Regardless, learning to place the requisite balance on both things is a skill that you need if you are not to miss the opportunity to meet the beautiful soul you have been holding out for.


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