Ladies: Here are 6 signs he’s using you to get over his ex



Arguably, almost every adult has an ex and somethings getting over them is quite difficult but eventually, we do.

What isn’t fair is when you try using other innocent people to either get over our exes or try to prove to them (ex) that you are happy at the expense of another person.

If your boyfriend is doing anything to make you question the relationship in the slightest, you may inadvertently be playing the role of the rebound.

Below are some signs that show he’s using you to get over his ex.about:blank

  • The relationship isn’t romantic

If the relationship more physical than emotional, then, you have to take that as a sign. You can tell that you’re a rebound just by paying attention to your sex life. If the sex feels detached and consumes a good majority of the relationship, it’s rebound sex. Now, don’t mistake zero inhibitions sex for rebound sex — they can both be wild and intense, but only one of them helps someone forget about their ex (at least for a few minutes).

  • He doesn’t make plans for the future

If a guy is really interested in you, he’ll make plans for the future. He may not be getting down on one knee proposing, but he’ll say small things that will make you know he’s not planning on breaking up with you next week. If he isn’t talking about the future, it’s because he’s not that serious about you. He knows that you’re temporary and he’s treating you as such — wake up and smell the a-hole in the room!

  • He’s way too eager to take things to the next level

He went from 0 to 100 real fast! The relationship started casual and then out of nowhere, he flipped the script. Now he’s texting you all the time and expecting you to see him every single day. This shouldn’t be a bad thing, but it seems a little fishy — probably because it’s not genuine. It’s too early in the relationship for him to be in love with you when he doesn’t even know you yet. If he’s overly enthusiastic about the relationship, it’s because he’s actively trying to convince himself that he’s happy. Don’t settle for someone who has to force their feelings for you.

If they just broke up but they’re still hanging out, you need to chuck up your deuces and go! I don’t care if their breakup was mutual (which it never is) — they shouldn’t be spending time together! And more importantly, you shouldn’t be with someone who can’t stop seeing their ex. Think about it. Why would they want to hang out together right after a breakup? Obviously, because they still have feelings for one another

  • You feel like you’re being compared to his last girlfriend

He may not outright compare you to his ex, but you feel like he’s secretly judging. It’s like if you do something his ex wouldn’t do, he automatically thinks less of you. He may even throw out suggestions for how you should live your life. Interestingly enough, those suggestions relate directly back to his ex. If you feel like he’s replacing you with his ex-girlfriend, it’s because he is.

  • He’s still bitter about his ex

Not only does he still talk about his ex, but everything he says about her sounds resentful — a huge sign that he’s not over the relationship! You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he talks about a past girlfriend. If he says something like, “I don’t think she ever really loved me,” he’s still hurt by how the relationship ended and most definitely not over it. He’s talking about his ex because he’s still thinking about his ex — could he be any more obvious?


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