Why it is MOST important right now to follow the right coughing etiquette


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Why it is MOST important right now to follow the right coughing etiquette

One of the lessons that we all learn as a child is to practice good hygiene etiquettes. From covering our nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing to washing our hands before eating, these small things not only symbolises good manners but also help us prevent the spread of serious respiratory illnesses. And if there was any better time to practice these etiquettes diligently, it is now when the world is dealing with a highly contagious respiratory disease in the form of coronavirus.

02/4​Why coughing etiquette is necessary

Following the basic coughing and sneezing etiquette, prevent the passing of respiratory infections like cold, flu and even coronavirus to other individuals. This is because the contagious virus spreads through microscopic water droplets suspended from an infected person, while coughing, sneezing, and hand-to-mouth contact. These droplets may be inhaled, or they may land on any surface. If a healthy person touches the contaminated surface, the virus particles may be transferred to their hands and if they touch their face, they may get infected.

You will be surprised to know that a sick person can send infected droplets up to six feet away and the particles remain airborne for several hours, which is enough to make several individuals around them ill.

It is not that you have to practise the coughing etiquette only when you are extremely sick. Infections can be transmitted even before symptoms like sore throat and cough appears. So it is always a good thing to follow proper coughing and sneezing etiquette even when you are healthy.

03/4​Things you should do

Here are a few things that you must follow to reduce the spread of infection:

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue every time you cough or sneeze. It is better if you can use disposable tissue for that.

If a tissue is not available at that moment, then cough or sneeze into your elbow. This way your hands will not be contaminated with cold or flu viruses.

Always turn your face away from other people around while coughing or sneezing.

Move away from people coughing or sneezing.

Discard the single-use tissue immediately in the trash can present around you.

Wash your hands properly with soap and water before touching your face or any surfaces.

If soap and water are not available, then rub alcohol-based sanitizer on your palms.

If you are sick, then it is better to stay home and take rest. This way the likelihood of spreading the infection to others will decrease.

04/4​Other hygiene etiquette tips

Apart from following the basic coughing and sneezing etiquette, here are a few hygiene protocols you must follow when you are sick.

Wash your hands often, especially before touching your face and eating your food.

Disinfect the surfaces you may have coughed on or touched with contaminated hands.

Avoid shaking hands, kissing or hugging if you’re under the weather.

Maintain distance from healthy people, especially who have a weak immune system.

By following these small steps, you may prevent yourself and your loved ones from getting sick


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