What is the best time of the day to have Vitamin C?


vitamin c

8Boost your immunity with Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a super nutrient for the body, with power-packed benefits for your immune system, skin and the bones. It’s also something which helps ward of infections, speeds up recovery and comes loaded with antioxidant properties. With so many benefits packed in a single dose, it’s important you have it the right way. We clarify some doubts and tell you what is the best time to have it.

02/8How much Vitamin C should you have every day?

Nutritional guidelines suggest that every adult have 65-90 milligrams of Vitamin C through various sources every day. For those with underlying medical conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the dosage can go up to 120 mg.

03/8What are the best ways to score Vitamin C in your diet?

Good sources of Vitamin C are red peppers, oranges, lime, lemon, broccoli and even strawberries. While most fruits and vegetables are rich sources, the ascorbic acid can often get quashed when you cook them. Hence, supplementation is sometimes needed to match the requirement or for those who are deficient.

04/8Why everyone should have it

Making sure you get enough Vitamin C in your diet serves a lot of benefits for your overall health and wellness.

The prime benefit of Vitamin C is in boosting the immune system. Vitamin C has strong properties which fight free radical damage, get rid of toxins and promote cellular function. This strengthens your immunity and helps fight any sickness and viral infections such as a cold or the flu. For the same reason, Vitamin C rich foods make a part of recovery foods post any ailment. COVID-19 positive patients are also given vitamin C rich sources to hasten recovery.

05/8Vitamin C has a lot of benefits

At the same time, Vitamin C also helps boost the absorbency of other nutrients in the body, such as B12, iron, folate, vitamin D and E. Vitamin C also is good for cardiovascular health, promotes blood flow to the brain as well as boosts collagen production, which gives you a youthful appearance.

06/8The best time of the day to have Vitamin C

Even though scoring all vitamins and minerals is essential for healthy living, not all of them are synthesized by our body in the same way. Hence, one must pay attention on how you have them.

While Vitamin C is a largely helpful nutrient, it is a water-soluble nutrient, which is best absorbed when you take them empty stomach. An ideal way would be to take your supplement first thing in the morning, 30-45 minutes before your meal. If you plan to take your Vitamin C later in the day, make sure there is a good gap after your meals so that it gets absorbed well.

Another way to match up on your requirement is to have a Vitamin -C rich diet, which you can have through the day.

07/8Can you have Vitamin C every day?

One important thing to remember is that taking multiple doses through the day won’t really help. Vitamin C has high ascorbic acid, which can get quickly excreted by the body if taken in a high quantity and go unabsorbed.

08/8Can you have too much of Vitamin C?

Taking Vitamin C doesn’t pose any damage or harmful side-effects but it’s worth noting that having a dosing schedule is important. Have it before your meals, once every day to see a difference in your health. If you consume it in excess, it can get unabsorbed or lead to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea.


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