Metro handles to elevator handrails, poll highlights things people don’t want to touch
In the times of chaos and unpredictability, if there is anything which is certain, it is the fact that life after quarantine is going to look a lot different. We have been hearing about the ‘new normal’’ for quite some time now and pretty soon we will be witnessing it as well. As the lockdown restrictions are being lifted in nations across the world, people are slowly stepping out of their houses once again as they return to their work.
However, as the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc across the globe, practising social distancing (whenever possible) and being more cautious about what we are touching and interacting with remains of paramount importance.
02/9Things people don’t want to touch again after the coronavirus: A poll
As people brace themselves for a brave new world, we asked them what all they will avoid touching in the future to keep themselves safe and avoid the risk of catching COVID-19. To our surprise, a massive 56.9 per cent out of 290 people are planning to steer clear of escalator handrails.
On the other hand 22.4 per cent people are not in favour of touching gym equipment, while 11.4 per cent don’t want to do anything with their co-worker’s laptop.
Moreover, gone are the days when makeup testers used to be a thing as 9.3 per cent people have made it clear that they don’t want to try them. With huge chances of cross-contamination and easy acsess for pathogens to breed, testers are not going to be missed.
Even though it is a relatively small study, it speaks volumes about the change in mentality we have gone through as a society and the effort we are all taking to stop touching objects around us (especially in public settings) mindlessly. Between hopes and chaos of bracing for a brave new world, we list down seven items you should avoid touching in the future:
03/9Elevator buttons
If your home or workplace is located in a high rise building, you will probably have to face this dilemma more often. Since touching elevator buttons with bare hands increases the chances of transmission of germs (as a lot of people use it everybody) we advise either using your elbows or wearing gloves as a precautionary measure.
04/9Gym equipment
This one’s a no-brainer! The mere fact that gymming equipment is shared by people who are constantly sweating should be enough for you to stop touching them! All the sweat makes them a hotbed of bacteria and viruses. So, if you cannot stop sharing gymming equipment, it is strongly advisable to carry anti-bacterial wipes and clean them before every use.
05/9Escalator handrails
Handrails are easily one of the germiest places in a public setting as it remains a high-touch area. Since escalators can be found in most public places, the handrails are certainly one of the most unhygienic places to keep your hand on. Infact, a study found traces of mucus, faeces, blood and urine on these dreaded handrails. Yes, you read that right. In the era of COVD-19, all a person has to do is sneeze or cough and touch these rails to wreak havoc. Our advice? Simply avoid holding the handrails at all costs and if you absolutely have to, thoroughly wash your hands or sanitize them properly afterwards.
06/9ATM keypads
Since a host of people keep going in and out of the cubicle and touch the same keypad every day, ATM keypads are also laden with microbes. While it is not entirely possible to avoid going to ATMs, you can take certain precautions to avoid contracting infections. It is advisable to either use your elbows to press the buttons or wear hand gloves and discarding them after touching ATM pad.
07/9Handles and poles of Metro/buses
Even with a strict cleaning procedures of Metro, buses and other modes of public transportation, you can never be too sure. While travelling in a means of public transport, make sure that you don’t touch overhead handles or take the support of poles. We understand that it may not be an easy habit to implement, but it is necessary. If you are wary about the bumps and jerks, we advise wearing disposable gloves before holding the poles or handles and discarding them once you get off.
08/9Your colleague’s laptop/desktop
As much as you want to show your favourite co-worker that supremely funny video which you have just come across, we suggest proceeding with caution. As a simple rule of thumb, don’t touch anything at your office which doesn’t belong to you and ask everyone else to follow the suit. Mouse, keyboards and keypads are high-touch points and with multiple people touching them, it becomes easy to catch an infection.
09/9Makeup testers
In case you were not aware, makeup testers are a breeding ground of harmful bacteria and viruses. Since people also use these testers on their eyes and lips, it is very easy to contract infections like pink eye or even viruses like herpes. So, the next time you feel like swatching a lipstick to check its colour or dabbing a foundation on your cheeks to find the correct shade, we suggest asking the staff for packed and unused testers instead. In case you were not aware, makeup testers are a breeding ground of harmful bacteria and viruses. Since people also use these testers on their eyes and lips, it is very easy to contract infections like pink eye or even viruses like herpes. So, the next time you feel like swatching a lipstick to check its colour or dabbing a foundation on your cheeks to find the correct shade, we suggest asking the staff for packed and unused testers instead.