Six fishermen, who have been placed under mandatory quarantine at Sekondi in the Western Region after returning from a fishing expedition from neighbouring Ivory Coast, are bemoaning the poor conditions under which they are kept.

Leader of the group in an exclusive interview with Empire FM’s Emmanuel Ohene-Gyan revealed that all of them sleep in one room which is stuffy and full of mosquitoes.
He further revealed that proper sanitary and necessary hygienic conditions in the area have all been thrown to the wind despite several protests.
“How can these authorities put all six of us in a small classroom with bad ventilation, how come others are placed under proper and improved conditions, is it because we are fishermen?” he queried.
The displeased fishermen are, therefore, calling on the health officials and Mayor for Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, Anthony K.K. Sam to relocate them to a better environment which will safeguard their health.
Several attempts to get the Metropolitan Health Director, Dr Kojo Sutherland and his Mayor Sam to respond to the concerns of the fishermen have been unsuccessful.
COVID-19 cases in Ghana have hit 1,154, Dr Patrick Aboagye, Director-General of the Ghana Health Service has announced.
Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, Dr Aboagye said out of 1,154, a total of 120 people have fully recovered while four persons are in critical condition with one on a ventilator.
According to him, over 1,000 people are currently responding to treatment with majority of them being managed at home.