My girlfriend says I should lick her else no intercourse – Church Youth Leader » ™


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Per popular opinion, licking someone’s asshole seems pretty disgusting even if it is clean, and this has been the dilemma of one gentleman who appears to be a staunch Christian perhaps the youth leader in his church.

According to this gentleman, his girlfriend has been pressuring him to eat her pussy like there is no Heaven or Hell, but considering his religious background, he can’t do that. Imagine praying to God moment after licking the pussy. How can God listen to your prayers?

READ ALSO: Video: No Licking & Sucking: Our Forefathers Had Such A Boring Sekx Life – Dzifa Sweetness

So, it’s at the back of the fear that God will disown him, he can’t go down and eat the pussy to the satisfaction of his daring girlfriend. Meanwhile, his girlfriend says no licking, no intercourse.

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Check out the screenshot below and don’t forget to advise him via the comment box:

My girlfriend says I should lick her else no intercourse



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