Ntim condemns Freddie Blay for ‘buying votes with 275 buses’

General News of Thursday, 5 July 2018

Source: citinewsroom.com


Stephen Ntim456.jpegStephen Ntim, National Chairman aspirant of the New Patriotic Party (NPP)

A National Chairman aspirant of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Stephen Ntim, has accused the acting Chairman of the party, Freddie Blay of vote buying.

He said Freddie Blay’s procurement of 275 new buses for party executives in each constituency is an attempt to influence delegates who will show up to vote in the party’s upcoming national executive elections on Saturday.

Blay on Wednesday took delivery of the buses in honour of his campaign promise to get them distributed to constituencies to help them finance their activities.

But Stephen Ntim, who is contesting Freddie Blay said at a press conference that the move is disingenuous.

“If you are really in love with your party or any organization that you belong to, you don’t wait till a situation arises where you need favour from the people before you say I’m giving you a bus. If you do that, it amounts to vote-buying. Why is it that during the 2016 campaign he didn’t bring 275 pickups, not even buses, but wait for the time when you say ‘vote for me and get these buses’. That amounts to vote-buying,” he said.

Stephen Ntim however advised the delegates not to be swayed by the gifts and offers from Freddie Blay.

“Please accept anything that is offered to you, but do not allow those considerations to influence your decision to vote for Ntim,” he advised NPP delegates.

While touting some of his achievements, Mr. Ntim said 16 years ago, he single-handedly donated 14 vehicles to the party. Back then he identified a need and took care of it without making any promises to anyone or expecting anything in return.

He said every regional secretariat of the party received a vehicle from him, while four constituencies received one vehicle each.

“It is important to note that in those days, this modest gesture was unprecedented in the party,” he said.

He said he wanted delegates to consider him and vote for him due to his many efforts including delivering to the party 13 new constituencies in the 2016 elections.

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