Robin Gibb’s wife Dwina beams with happiness as she says her Bee Gee star is ‘laughing and joking’

Georgina Littlejohn


11:41 EST, 23 April 2012



14:43 EST, 23 April 2012

It’s hard to believe that just a few days ago his life hung in the balance as he lay in a coma after contracting pneumonia in his battle against colon and liver cancer.

But if there was ever a medical miracle then Robin Gibb appears to be it – and you’ve only got to look at his wife to know that.

Dwina, who had kept a constant vigil by his bed since he slipped into unconsciousness, couldn’t stop smiling at she arrived at The London Clinic today to visit her beloved.

Relieved: The smile on Dwina Gibbs' face said it all as she and her son Robin-John arrived to visit her husband and his father Robin who awoke from his coma after 12 days yesterday

Relieved: The smile on Dwina Gibbs’ face said it all as she and her son Robin-John arrived to visit her husband and his father Robin who awoke from his coma after 12 days yesterday

Accompanied by their son Robin-John, 28, she beamed at the cameras as she headed inside to visit her pop star husband.

And the grin said it all just a day after Robin came round from his coma, a recovery which has ‘confounded’ his doctors.

And speaking today, Dwina, who has been married to Robin since 1985, said he was ‘fantastic’.

Speaking to ITV News, she added: ‘He is
laughing, he is joking, he is really happy. He just wants to get out.

Beaming: Dwina's happiness was all too clear to see as she and Robin-John headed inside the clinic

Beaming: Dwina’s happiness was all too clear to see as she and Robin-John headed inside the clinic

has been very naughty because he pulled his feeding tube out so the
nurses will have to put it back in again but he wants ice cream… he
wants all kinds of things. It’s good anyway.’

Dwina described how she and her family – including Robin’s Bee Gee brother Barry – played music to him while he was in the coma and saw him respond to that as he tried to mouth along to the words.

Dwina added: ‘We played music to him for about ten
days so we asked him if he wanted to listen to any more music and he
said no – we’ve bombarded him with music for about 10 days. It was very

'He's fantastic': Dwina stopped and spoke to reporters about how Robin was doing...

‘He’s fantastic’: Dwina stopped and spoke to reporters about how Robin was doing…

... and told then that he was being naughty by pulling his feeding tube out because he wants ice-cream

… and told then that he was being naughty by pulling his feeding tube out because he wants ice-cream

Her son Robin-John, who composed his recent Titanic Requiem with him, added: ‘He woke up while we were playing the
track which is a movement from the [Titanic] Requiem we have just
written. He is completely compos mentis now and the first thing he said
to me was, “Hi R-J, can you tell them my back hurts?” so we got a nurse
to turn him.

‘We said we loved each other. Two days before that they said
they’d thrown the kitchen sink at him, that it was time to make plans
because he was in God’s hands and such but he beats the odds again and
they gave him an under 10 per cent survival chance and he has beaten the
odds… he really is something else.’

Robin revealed his battle with cancer in October 2010 and he had emergency surgery to treat a
blocked bowel, before a further operation to treat a twisted bowel.
Colon cancer was then discovered and it spread to his liver.

Touch and go: Dwina's smile was wonderful to see after the tears she fought back as she visited Robin last week

Touch and go: Dwina’s smile was wonderful to see after the tears she fought back as she visited Robin last week

He then contracted pneumonia and slipped into a coma and his friends and family feared the worse before he came round this weekend.

Speaking to the Sun, his private physician Dr Andrew Thillainayagam said: ‘The prognosis was very grave. We felt it was very likely Robin would succumb to what seemed to be insurmountable obstacles.

‘It is testament to Robin’s extraordinary courage, iron will and deep reserves of physical strength that he has overcome quite incredible odds.’

A miracle: Gibb's doctor said he had 'overcome incredible odds' by coming round from the coma

A miracle: Gibb’s doctor said he had ‘overcome incredible odds’ by coming round from the coma

More here:
Robin Gibb’s wife Dwina beams with happiness as she says her Bee Gee star is ‘laughing and joking’