Ghanaians urged to continue to make sacrifices


    Primate Seth Adofo, Spiritual Head of the Brotherhood Church, on Sunday urged Ghanaians to pray and continue to make sacrifices in support of the socio-economic development of the country.
    He said God has blessed the nation with oil and other natural resources and what was important was total commitment and determination to use them for accelerated development.
    Preaching at a special Church Service on the first Sunday of 2011 at Suntreso, Kumasi, Primate Adofo urged the Government to continue to invest and diversify the economy so that more employment opportunities could be created.
    He said national unity, peace and development should be the concern of all Ghanaians and not individual achievements and personal interests.
    Primate Adofo asked that God would change the hearts of the wicked to be honest, eschew pride and self-aggrandizement and injustice.
    The Spiritual Head said God had done a lot for Christians and they must therefore reciprocate by being regular at Church service and support the church to win more souls for Christ.
    He said there was the need for Christians to get closer to God since they could not do without Him, “the Creator and giver of all things”.
    He said: “You should reconcile with your neighbours and pray for forgiveness of sins and also ask Christ to come into your life and lead you in all your endeavours.”