Tanks on streets for Kabila oath


    20 December 2011 Last updated at 09:57 GMT

    Women walk pass a tank in Kinshasa on 19 December 2011Security is tight in Kinshasa, which is seen as an opposition stronghold

    Tanks have been deployed in Kinshasa in case of opposition protests as Joseph Kabila prepares to be sworn in for a second term as Democratic Republic of Congo’s president.

    The Supreme Court has confirmed that Mr Kabila, 40, gained the most votes in the November election.

    But observers have criticised the poll and opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi, 79, has declared himself president.

    He says he will be sworn in on Friday.

    The elections were the first Congolese-organised polls since the end of a devastating war in 2003 which left some four million people dead.

    Mr Tshisekedi, who enjoys strong support in the capital, Kinshasa, has called on civil servants and the security forces to take orders from him, rather than Mr Kabila.

    He said he was offering a reward for the capture of Mr Kabila.

    An aide of Mr Kabila said the call was “criminal”.

    The BBC’s Thomas Hubert in Kinshasa says Mr Kabila’s Republican Guard has deployed tanks across the city ahead of his swearing-in ceremony.

    Mugabe expected

    They are also positioned at Martyrs Stadium, where Mr Tshisekedi’s supporters plan to inaugurate him as president on Friday.

    Following the criticism of the election, Mr Kabila’s aides have confirmed the attendance of only a handful of African heads of state for his inauguration – Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, Gabon’s Ali Bongo, Togo’s Faure Gnassingbe and Congo-Brazzaville’s Denis Sassou Nguesso.

    Regional powerhouse South Africa is sending its foreign minister, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, after describing the elections as “generally OK”.

    The foreign minister of former colonial power Belgium has cancelled plans to attend the ceremony. Congolese affairs analyst Theodore Trefon says that Western nations often follow Belgium’s diplomatic lead over DR Congo.

    Mr Tshisekedi led the campaign for democracy under former leader Mobutu Sese Seko but these were the first elections he has contested.

    He boycotted the last poll in 2006, organised under the auspices of the United Nations, after claiming they had been rigged in advance.

    As well as Kinshasa, he also enjoys a lot of support in the diamond-rich, central area of Kasai.

    Mr Kabila has promised to use his second term to focus on “five building sites of the republic”: Infrastructure; health and education; water and electricity; housing and employment.

    DR Congo is two-thirds the size of Western Europe and is rich in minerals, such as gold and coltan used in mobile phones but it has hardly any roads or railways. After years of mismanagement and conflict, living standards in the country were recently found to be the lowest of 187 countries surveyed by the UN.

    Mr Kabila has been president since 2001 following the assassination of his father, Laurent.

    Last week, Mr Kabila admitted there had been mistakes in the election process but said no poll was 100% perfect and he rejected concerns that the results lacked credibility.

    The US-based Carter Center, which sent observers to the election, said the vote was too flawed to be credible.

    The US state department called for a review of irregularities and the EU described parts of the election process as “chaotic”.

    However, the African Union described the elections as a success.

    Inside DR Congo
    size map

    The Democratic Republic of Congo covers 2,344,858 square km of land in the centre of Africa, making it the 12th largest country in the world.

    mineral wealth map

    DR Congo has abundant mineral wealth. It has more than 70% of the world’s coltan, used to make vital components of mobile phones, 30% of the planet’s diamond reserves and vast deposits of cobalt, copper and bauxite. This wealth however has attracted looters and fuelled the country’s civil war.
    transport map

    Despite the country’s size, transport infrastructure is very poor. Of 153,497km of roads, only 2,794km are paved. There are around 4,000 km of railways but much is narrow-gauge track and in poor condition. Waterways are vital to transport goods but journeys can take months to complete. Overcrowded boats frequently capsize, while DR Congo has more plane crashes than any other country.
    population map

    With an estimated population of 71 million, DR Congo is the fourth most populous country in Africa. Some 35% of the population live in cities and the capital Kinshasa is by far the largest, with more than 8 million inhabitants. DR Congo has around 200 ethnic identities with the majority of people belonging to the Kongo, Luba and Mongo groups.
    demographic map

    Given its size and resources DR Congo should be a prosperous country, but years of war, corruption and economic mismanagement have left it desperately poor. In 2011 it lags far behind in many key development indicators, with average life expectancy increasing by only 2 years since 1980, after a period when it actually fell during the mid 1990s.