Farmer kills pregnant wife, shoots himself

You Are Here: Home » General News » Don’t politicize GPRTU – Regional Chairman Page last updated at Monday, June 27, 2011 8:08 AM // Mr Kwame Kumah, Central Regional Chairman of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), has urged members of the union not to allow the union to be dragged into politics. He said any attempt to make the biggest transport organization in the country a political entity would make it lose its long achieved values and glory. Mr Kumah said this when he addressed members of the union at Agona Swedru where executives of four branches – Texaco numbers 1, 2, and 3, and Swedru/Accra – were elected into office for four years

A 45-year-old farmer who doubled as a Fetish Priest shot himself dead at Sogon NO 1, a farming community in the Nanumba-North District after killing his pregnant wife.

Police investigations confirmed that Bindaa Langua, a Konkomba, who also served as a Linguist to the Sogon NO 1 community chief shot himself in the head with a Russian Baikal shot gun on Friday June 24 at about 9:30 pm.

The police said for unknown reasons, Bindaa Langua shot himself immediately after butchering his third wife, Maananba Jangbile aged 25.

Though the first wife, Baaka Langua was rescued by their neighbours, the second wife, Tingariya Bawan, whom he inflicted multiple cutlass wounds on, is receiving treatment at the Bimbila District Hospital.

According to Superintendant Joseph Allotey, the Police Commander for Nanumba North and South Districts, the mortal remains of the two deceased have been deposited at the Bimbila District Hospital morgue awaiting autopsy.

He narrated that there was a downpour that night and the late Bindaa Langua locked all the doors to his wives rooms compelling the family to sleep early that night.

Superintendant Joseph Allotey said eyewitnesses accounted that at about 9:30 pm, the man opened the third wife’s door, who was said to be pregnant, and butchered her to death for reasons yet to be uncovered.

The Police Commander complained that due to lack of moveable logistics and inadequate police personnel within his jurisdiction, his men got to the Sogon NO 1 community 2 hours after the tragedy had occurred.

It will be recalled that the opinion leaders and residents of the Nanumba North and South Districts raised concerns about inadequate police personnel in their communities, considering the fact that that part of the Northern Region has been identified as one of the volatile areas.

There are only 35 police personnel in charge of the two districts who find it extremely difficult to respond to emergency cases due to lack of logistics.

It was revealed that the Police have in their possession a single obsolete Tata double cabin pick-up meant for patrolling the two districts.


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