Take wise decisions at Congress – NDC guru

Luanda — The management board of the Santos FC rescinded on Wednesday the contract with the football club's coach, the Angolan David Dias, being this the third dismissal case of the first division championship (Girabola2011). This was said to Angop on Thursday in Luanda by the deputy chairman of the club, Oliveira Gonçalves. Santos FC are at the bottom of the table of the competition with three points.

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Page last updated at Friday, June 24, 2011 10:10 AM //

Mr Kofi Minitah, a founding Member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has appealed to the delegates to the party’s July congress in Sunyani to take wise decisions which could keep the party from disintegration.

He said that the ability for the party to retain power or otherwise in the 2012 general elections would depend on the decisions taken at the congress.

Mr Mintah who was speaking to the Ghana News Agency in an interview at Winneba noted that the essence of democracy was for everybody to have the opportunity and freedom to express his or her views and opinions.

The first Central Regional chairman of the party said the NDC was passing through a democratic phase which could make or unmake its future.

He said the congress must take note of the unity the party needed to face the 2012 elections and make sure that they came out of the congress more united than before.

He appealed to the organizers to ensure that a level playing field was created for the contestants of the Presidential primaries.

Mr Mintah appealed to them to put in place mechanisms to ensure that the congress ended successfully. Take note, he said that the congress was a family affair and that nothing must be done to antagonize any member whose vote would be needed to keep the party in power in 2012.

He called on the founding members and the old guards of the party to play advisory roles at the congress not only to ensure its success but also to heal wounds.

Source: GNA


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Take wise decisions at Congress – NDC guru