Airtel Continues to Demonstrate Commitment to Rec School, Tombo


Concord Times (Freetown)

19 May 2011

Freetown — Airtel, the award winning Telecommunications Company 2010 is keeping up with its Corporate Social Responsibilities. The adoption of REC Tombo community school still remains a responsibility and a motherly/parental concern for the children of Rural Education Committee (REC) School. The school received a facelift from Airtel early this year. The adoption project is purposely set up to reach out to the underprivileged and vulnerable children of society. The facelift of this school does not bring a stop to this project.

The Corporate Affairs team in charge of the project at Airtel last week (to coincide with the start of the 3rd term) gave out learning materials of exercise books, pens, and pencils as part of its fulfillment it made at the handing over in April to the school at Tombo. The teachers were also equipped, as the administration also received teaching aids that will help the teachers prepare better for lessons.

The Corporate and Communications Manager and project head, June-Rose Johnson, encouraged the stakeholders and school authorities to make good use of the facilities provided for the school. she also had the opportunity to address parents of about 80 children who will further benefit from the company’s staff initiative of “Sponsor a child”. This initiative she said was borne out of the staff’s drive to enhance development in their ‘brothers and sisters”. Staff have volunteered out of their pockets to sponsor a child/ children for a monthly sum of Le 20,000 ($5). Staff she added can sponsor as many children as they wish. The scheme will start at the end of this month. Staff will also volunteer their time to visit the school and help out in necessary areas from time to time.

Corporate Communications Director Mr. Kelvin Kellie comments that Airtel wants to enable children to become the bedrock of a successful new Sierra Leone. He also said that Airtel will always be committed to its Corporate Social Responsibility.

Parents and guardians were very excited and grateful for the donation. Those who are to benefit from the “Sponsor a Child” initiative lauded Airtel for such a gesture. They sent heartfelt thanks to the staff for remembering their children in such a manner.

The beneficiaries where selected by their class teachers endorsed by the administration (Head teacher) and the SMC chairman to ensure a fair process.

This fishing community can now boast of an attractive and modern structure where their children can learn in a conducive atmosphere. The Company aims to set up more schools that will deliver high quality education to deprived rural children in Sierra Leone for a better future. Its next adoption will take place in Kenema.

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Airtel Continues to Demonstrate Commitment to Rec School, Tombo