The National Democratic Congress (NDC) as part of its commemoration of the 29th anniversary of the December 31st Revolution which falls tomorrow’ wish to remind Ghanaians of the events that brought about the revolution of 31st December, 1981; which lit the path for Ghana’s transformation from a state of decadence to one of sturdy development and the enviable democratic governance that the nation enjoys.
The periods before the revolution of 31st December, 1981 could aptly be described as the dark days in Ghana as it was characterized by a near collapse of most state institutions, scarcity of basic necessities of life such as potable water, maize, sugar, rice, toilet roll among others for which people had to queue for long hours; and those who had access to them were the few privileged who were politically connected. It was a period where a few privileged greedy individuals took advantage of the system to hoard these basic necessities only to sell them later at cutthroat prices to those who could afford. Those were times many Ghanaians rarely afforded a meal a day.
So badly was the country bruised that it only begun registering positive growth following the 1981, 31st December Revolution. Before the 1981 Revolution, Ghana witnessed economic turbulence which was captured by fluctuating real GDP growth and real per capita GDP growth rate. Real GDP at the time grew at an average rate of 0.81% per annum while the growth of real per capita GDP on average was -8.34%.
The revolution was credited for resuscitating a collapsed economy and restored an atmosphere of freedom and justice required to turn around the clock of decay. What galvanized such positive turnaround at the time was strict adherence to the principles of truth, probity, accountability, freedom and justice.
The 31st December Revolution relit the flame of freedom and justice and awakened the Ghanaian to a renewed sense of patriotism and dedication to economic and political upliftment and gave power to the people and voice to the voiceless.
It was based on the same ideals of probity, accountability, freedom and justice that the National Democratic Congress was formed. It is for this reason for which it is acknowledged in the constitution of the NDC as a historic landmark.
As we observe the 29th anniversary of 31st December reflectively, we are embolden to continue to ensure that as a social democratic party, we will not relent in our effort to bring rare hope to not only Ghana but Africa as a whole.
As we observe the day under the theme ‘Integrity for Sustainable Democracy’, leadership of our great Party, the NDC, entreats members in Accra to throng to the Teachers Hall tomorrow to be part of the public lecture to commemorate the day. It is also urging members of the Party in the regions to take part in activities marking the day in their respective regions.
Long Live 31st December!
Long Live the NDC!
Long Live Ghana!
Mr. Aseidu Nketia
General Secretary, NDC.